….To be in eternal love
You must pound and pack yourself
in a nutshell. Become a kernel.
Shove yourself into some profound space
And wait,
With sweet slumber for company.
The earth knows how to converse with the skies,
Their distance is a delusion,
Their hearts have a common beat,
They send frequent missives.
When the secret of a sleeping seed
reaches the skies,
It will rain.
The waters will soak the soil
with heaven’s incense,
Slowly, they will seep into the ground,
Beatifying all that they touch,
And breathe life into an impending spring.
Deep inside,
A seed will stir awake, knowing
its time has come
to become love’s ultimate synonym.
Soon it will flower, spill
and scatter pollen grains
All over the wind’s wide domain.
When the essence has permeated –
Here, there, everywhere,
Ask in silence
If you ever had a name…
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