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….To be in eternal love

You must pound and pack yourself

in a nutshell. Become a kernel.

Shove yourself into some profound space

And wait,

With sweet slumber for company.

The earth knows how to converse with the skies,

Their distance is a delusion,

Their hearts have a common beat,

They send frequent missives.

When the secret of a sleeping seed

reaches the skies,

It will rain.

The waters will soak the soil

with heaven’s incense,

Slowly, they will seep into the ground,

Beatifying all that they touch,

And breathe life into an impending spring.

Deep inside,

A seed will stir awake, knowing

its time has come

to become love’s ultimate synonym.

Soon it will flower, spill

and scatter pollen grains

All over the wind’s wide domain.

When the essence has permeated –

Here, there, everywhere,

Ask in silence

If you ever had a name…

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We have all loved,

In different ways —

The same bleeding love.

We have all suffered,

In the same way —

The lethal blows of love.

We all have

Partially lived, partially died

In its glorious name.


Dropping the mask,

shedding the skin,

From our seat of rawness we must ask –

can we love each other

core to core,

Like day and night fusing at twilight?


The knife delightfully slits

an unsuspecting thumb,

In the tint of the trickle,

I see

the romance of deep red.

Even a mishap at the chopping board

can be oddly mesmerizing.


If I could find salvation

in my speaking,

blessed my word would be.

If the churning inside

could yield luscious cream

sacred my thought would be.

The poems I write

 will then become Zen stories.

(Liked what you read? Follow my blog by clicking on ‘follow’ and leave your e-mail address to get notifications every time I publish a new post here)

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